SendBetter uses a render credit system to represent how many images you can generate from your templates each month. In this section, you can learn more about how render credits work, what to do if you need more credits to render your images.

What are Render credits?

Render credits represent how many images you’re able to generate based on your templates per month. The render quota depends on the plan you’re on. In your SendBetter dashboard, you can see how many Render credits you used in a given period and when the quota will restart.

How are the render credits counted?

Each render costs a render credit.

Can I upgrade my monthly render credit quota at any time?

Yes, you can upgrade your monthly render credit quota at any time without penalty or hassle. The plan will change immediately and you’ll be charged for just a prorated amount.

Can I downgrade my monthly render credit quota at any time?

No, you can’t downgrade your plan at any point. We recommend you cancel the subscription - which will cancel an active subscription at the end of the billing period. Then subscribe to a new plan of your choice.

I need more than 2,000,000 render credits per month. Is it possible?

Need a more render credits per month or looking for other customization? Let us know about your requirements — we’re ready to tailor a custom quote. Contact us at [email protected].